Contact us, get to know us, we want to get to know you. We would love to capture images of your life’s most important moments. We look forward to hearing from you.
This could not be a more perfect wedding to end the year on, literally! This was my last wedding of the season and its rounding out a great year of weddings posted here on the blog. I’m going out with a big one!
I have been looking forward to this wedding all season! Yes, it was my last wedding but that’s not why. I know Marcy from Drexel when she was a student and I was the facility manager, I was particularly close with her class and even took a book design class with them. Needless to say years after graduation I still keep in touch with a number of people from her class. If you know anything about Drexel and the graphic design program you know that they produce some pretty amazing graphic designers. I knew Marcy was going to go all out with everything for her wedding and she didn’t disappoint. There were so many details at her wedding and everything tied into each other seamlessly. If anything was in print, it was designed by Marcy. Her invitations have been featured on various wedding blog sites already.
Marcy’s dress was perfect for her in every way.
Kiss from dad after giving him his card.
Ryan was with the boys, this sad face of Ed’s is because he realized the beverage of choice for the day had pretty high alcohol content…hmm guess you shouldn’t really have too many of those before the wedding. 🙂
Little detail from the invitations.
Something special that was tied into Marcy’s dress.
This was the last weekend we had any leaves or color on the tree’s! It was perfect.
Lovely bunch of ladies
Haha! I was pleasantly surprised to see this moment caught by Ryan. Heading into the church to get hitched.
The long walk and look at that we weren’t running too late. 🙂 (Yeah I notice that stuff.)
The first look!
St. Laurentius Church was beautiful
Ring exchange
Checking out the new accessories.
Marcy’s dad, proud of his little girl.
That’s one proud Papa!
They had an “eco-fetti” toss after the ceremony, all these little bits are biodegradable.
Love these shots of the guys that Ryan got.
One pretty good looking bridal party!
Being that it was November and the sun sets early we were pleasantly surprised with the gorgeous sunset and glow in the sky for their portraits. You can’t get this kind of sky for portraits any other time of year.
Ed’s a good jumper and enjoys doing it, so why not!
On our way to PAFA we made on last pit stop at City Hall. We decided to take a different perspective than the usual shoot from the middle of broad street shot.
A few more details.
Marcy’s dad surprised them by getting the Philly Fanatic to come to the cocktail hour. Nobody knew about it but dad, it was a great surprise.
This group knew how to party. It was endless dance party all night.
The different tables kept having spirited competitions throughout the night.
Marcy’s dad gave a wonderful speech.
Love this shot. I couldn’t begin to tell you what was happening at this moment.Well if that was not enough images for you, there are many many more in the sideshow below.
But wait! There’s more! Here is a fun slideshow of all the photo booth images captured that night. People loved it, it was a hit. My crew even participated.
Marcy & Ed, thank you for having me out to document this day for you! It was a blast, both your families are awesome.
I spent a lovely afternoon with the Rees family as they decorated their tree and prepared for Christmas a few weeks ago. Its the perfect session to get into the Christmas spirit!
I go way back with this family, I worked with Bill at Drexel for six years (when I worked there full time) and the last family session I did for these guys was when Connor was about Aaron’s age. Its been a while. Love this family and it was great to meet baby Aaron and get acquainted with everyone again.
This will be baby Aaron’s first time Christmas and he begins in the traditions of the family. You will notice the pickle ornament….. This ornament is usually hidden by Mom in the tree and on Christmas morning the person to find it first gets an extra present. Fun tradition. On this day Connor hid it for everyone else to try and find, he did a pretty good job!
Something about this I love of Bill and Aaron, like father like son?
Love those squishy baby cheek kisses!
This just fascinates me. Look at Busters tongue! He is totally picking his nose. 🙂
Connor has been visited by the tooth fairy a lot very recently…. He is probably the richest boy on the block!
The “usual” scene in the play room.
Time to build the train track..
Do you see a pattern here?
Aaron’s first experience with the train set!
Morgan attempting to find the pickle!
Time for a few more traditional shots, with personality of course.
Mighty good looking family!
The girls
They boys
Aaron is such a sweetie and cutie.
Love love this.
The jumping portion of this shoot was a hit.
I enjoy how Morgan has her tongue hanging out.
I am attempting a new way of slideshows……This is a first for me…and there is a little treat in this show with some video mixed in. Let me know how you like it.
Enjoy and Merry Christmas I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday!
Sweet sweet little Tiny, as Charlie was known as in mom’s belly, the nick name still stands as he starts to grow. We did a belly shoot with Rachel and Trevor back in October and I was eagerly awaiting this moodybaby shoot to meet the new little man.
Trevor is doing his residency in Bloomsburg, he has been very busy with a hectic schedule so being home and “awake” with mom and baby for this shoot was pretty special.
I think Rachel thinks so too in this image.
A little nursing time. I love the little swirls in Charlies hair.
“Ahhh, thats good stuff mom..”
He is a cute little chubby guy.
“Hey mom, look at me hanging out with dad!”
I love his little bassinet. He is very good at being on his own, but mom and dad can’t keep their eyes off him.
I think this is pretty much what all new parents do half the time.
Hey Dad!
I LOVE this image. I think this is exactly how Rachel spends a good majority of her days.
This is a tad conceptual. They have been renovating their kitchen and when I was there in October for the belly shoot we did some similar shots here. Except there was no sink, or counter-tops, or cabinets, or floor…..
We also did similar shots during the belly shoot in front of the bookcase.
Tiny feet and strong hands.
Rachel’s satisfaction watching Trevor do a diaper change! Yeah! 🙂
You guys are awesome, I love Charlie. He is such a little cuddle bug, so sweet!!! I can’t wait to see how big he gets next year.
When you are doing a destination wedding, not doing day after session would almost be a disservice. This is my first one and of course was also a first for Joe and Anna. They were the perfect couple for it too, these two throw caution to the wind everyday. But seriously, it was such a fun way to do things in the wedding dress that you would never ever do on your wedding day. For those of you who are curious the dress was not ruined, Anna’s mom took it home with her and actually washed the dress herself in Woolite! Yep, I never heard of anyone doing that before but the dress came out good as new.
This was the Sunday evening after the wedding, we figured it would be better to wait to the end of the day for the best light and we knew there would be no way any of us were waking up for an early shoot. We were all beat as it was and could have easily passed on going out to do this shoot, but yeah that was not going to happen. We hailed a water taxi, the only way you can get out to Lovers Beach, we had the clothing in a separate bag. It was a tad later than we planned on getting out there, but that’s no surprise…. 🙂 The taxi guys didn’t really want to let us off the boat either, we didn’t realize they were not supposed to take people out to Lovers Beach past a certain time and we were pretty close to that time. We were told we had thirty minutes and they would be back for us… didn’t they realize I wanted more time than that, silly water taxi dudes. So we hustled, I knew everything I wanted to do and to get it done in half an hour, well. I don’t think I have ever laced up a bride so fast! haha!
Joe and Anna were great, it was such a fun shoot and because we were there so late that meant we were the only ones on the beach! It was the best. We had a blast and while I would have loved another twenty minutes with them, when the taxi dudes came to get us we had done everything I planned on doing so really it was perfect. Want to see some images, enough of my rambling?
The rock formations on Lovers Beach are spectacular!
Sun-kissed beauties
One of my favorites
For fun I put together a few gifs for you
This was the resulting image of the above run, they conveniently fell down and well might as well go with it!
Favorite. I love how this doesn’t even look like the beach.
Gorgeous of Anna
Joe’s modeling debut, these two are hot stuff.
This is what happened next
Such good sports! haha! That surf was crazy. It packed a wholop.
I love these last two, the moments after being pummeled by a wave.Off into the sunset you go! So much fun! This shoot was the best and maybe the highlight of the trip.
Congratulations Anna & Joe! You guys are the best.
I spent a wonderful fall morning with Bodin, Ilyana and family. These kiddos are so cute, Bodin was a little shy at first but when I asked him to show me his room and some toys he perked right up!
Flying a plane
We took some height measurements, the last date it was done was in August and Bodin has had a growth spurt since then.
Having some tea in Ilyana’s room
Such a cutie.
This is one cool kid.
The whole family
I love this one.
I’ve been wanting an excuse to shoot in front of this mural, these guys live in the neighborhood so it was perfect!
I really love the little candid moments
LOVE this, I mean come on!
This was just a funny observation, Ilyana really takes after her daddy. They have such similar mannerisms!
A new way of drinking milk.
We ended with some story time.
It was such a pleasure spending time with you guys! Thank you for having me over. Make sure to check out the slideshow for more images and remember if you have problems using Firefox try another browser.
Wow, where to begin? At the end of October I traveled down to Cabo San Lucas Mexico to photograph Joe and Anna’s wedding. I’ve known Joe for a long time, we were house-mates way back when in college at Drexel. I have only recently known Anna but in the short time I have it is very clear that she and Joe are a perfect match. These two are like the male and female versions of each other, its crazy. And who has a destination wedding that 82 guests fly across the country to go to, well that would be Anna and Joe. These people know how to party. I’m going to head straight into the images and tell the story along the way. Check back at the beginning of the week for more pictures from the day after session we did on Lovers Beach, those images deserve their own post.
I started the day with Anna and the girls at the spa, doing the getting ready thing.
I ducked out for a little bit to spend a little time with Joe and the guys. Check out this Don Juan or Pablo Escobar, which ever you choose. Joe fits in nicely here.
The penthouse suite was simply amazing.
The groomsmen. The crazy thing about this is that Joe’s son Alec is sitting next to him and the last time I saw him he was in diapers, talk about how time flies!
I love this one of Joe.
Back over to Anna and the girls, almost ready!
Favorite of Anna, gorgeous.
Seriously, you can’t take a bad picture of her.
Another favorite, this was in the hallway of the salon.
Wedding time, these guys were so sweet.
LOVE this image, I forgot what this moment was and then after looking through the whole wedding again this moment is when Jenna (Joe’s sister who officiated the wedding) asked all the guests if there was anyone who came to Cabo for the wedding thought they should not be wed. It was a very funny moment. Of course nobody objected. 🙂
Gorgeous gorgeous day! I love the cloud cover.
Married! Wholy cow.
I of course have to have a little fun with the bridal party, even in Cabo.
Another favorite, but who am I kidding they are all favorites.
A little sense of place for you.
Joe and Anna had the best dance hands down of the season. They had been taking salsa lessons and this dance was so much fun!
Parent dances, Anna did the polka with her dad and Joe had a wonderful moment with his mom.
Joe’s parents, too cute.
a little stolen moment
This group knew how to get down, this was a crazy dance party that is for sure.
Joe’s Aunt lead a traditional Lebanese wedding dance.
Joe and Alec, I can’t get over it. Alec has grown into such a nice young man and taller than Joe? Crazy.
One more for the end of the night.
Check back next week for the day after session we did on Lovers Beach, the images will not disappoint.
In the mean time, sit back and enjoy the slideshow. Its a loaded one.
Joe and Anna congratulations, what an amazing trip, wonderful friends and family. I am so happy I could play a part in your day.