Baby Maggie turned one a few months ago and her parents were excited to document this stage in her life! Maggie is full of life, she loves climbing the stairs, books, making music, her cat and her two dogs.

She is a happy little girl!

Loves her snacks!
Maggie is still mastering the art of walking!

She likes to make music with dad. She enjoyed hanging out in the guitar case.
When Maggie was a newborn she had photos taken in this window, so we went back up for another set.
Love it!!
Big girl on mom and dad’s bed!

snuggles for mom!

She wasn’t too sure about the grass….
Being tossed by dad is one of her favorite things.
I love this. Pure joy. 
I love just waiting to see what they will do, just waiting and watching.

Pretty adorable little family! Thank you so much for having me out.
Don’t forget to watch the slideshow!
Baby Maggie from JoyMoody on Vimeo.
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One of my favorite families, my new neighbors and also my accountant. That’s a pretty awesome mix right there. They welcomed baby Tessa a few weeks ago. Sadie couldn’t be more excited to be a big sister. I was able to steal Mike away for an hour one morning before he headed to work, as an accountant and it having been prime tax season his time was precious. Everyone appreciated that he could be there for these pictures. I’m sure Morgan, Sadie and Tessa are even more happy that tax day has come and gone. Daddy and husband are finally back.
The new family of four.

Well correction… of five. We can’t forget Fez.
Daddy and his girls.

We did a similar photo of Sadie when she was born.

In Tessa’s room.

My favorite family shot. 

“pretending” to be shy….

Two adorable outfits.
Some solo Sadie time….
Talking on her cell phone and showing me the charms she received as presents from her baby sister.

A little smile!!
love baby lips.

kisses kisses kisses

Proud big sister!
Congratulations you guys!! Was great to spend a morning with you. Can’t wait to watch Tessa grow.
Don’t forget the slideshow below!!
Baby Tessa from JoyMoody on Vimeo.
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Part two of an amazing Saturday was with Katinka and Nelson in Queens. Katinka and I met at one of my past brides-turned friends-home birth that I photographed last year. They are actually getting married on little Laila’s birthday this year, who will also be at the wedding! What a difference a year makes. 🙂 We had a lot of fun and had so many different backdrops in such a close radius. We started off at 5pointz which is a graffiti artist mecca and is set to be demolished in September this year. They both love this spot and wanted to make their mark there with some pictures. It was pretty cool, very colorful, my kind of place.

Their favorite neighborhood coffee spot!

Nelson has the dip down! I love this.

A couple and their Vespa, doesn’t get better than that!
I got a little ride from Nelson, it had been so long since my last scooter ride. I’ve missed it.

Everywhere we went was beautiful.

Nelson was my test subject for the lights. This was only a test shot, but I love it.
I got to see some amazing views from different roofs on Saturday!

Nice view of the Empire State building from the roof!
Yay! What an awesome day. Thank you guys so much for all your hospitality. I’m excited to see you again next month!!
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This past weekend couldn’t have been a more perfect spring day! I have two couples who live in NYC and was lucky enough to coordinate their engagement shoots for the same day!
Ellie & Bill were up first. We met at their apartment and stared out with some awesome shots on their roof. They are getting married in the fall at the beach, so a city shoot for the engagement was perfect.

Then we went down to the park for more.

We ended our session with an awesome lunch at Frankies, their favorite spot.
Thank you guys! It was an awesome afternoon.
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Its impossible not to have a good time with Sory & Ed. They love to eat, drink and be merry! I think its safe to say that was the theme of our St. Patricks Day engagement shoot!

I hurt the next day! haha! You guys were a blast. Thank you for a fun filled afternoon. Can’t wait for the wedding.
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