We had a wonderful day with Stefanie & Mike. It was a true winter wedding with a nice chill in the air!
Venue: Talamore Country Club
Florist: Gordon Florist
Dress: Moonlight
Make-up: Samantha Garro
DJ: Synergetic Sounds and Lighting
Second Photographer: Pete Malone
Assistant: Gabi Perez
Starting with a few details

Stefanie was stunning.

I love catching the grooms trying to hold it together as their bride comes down the aisle.

Loved Stefanie’s place card wreaths

The string lights added such a nice touch!

Dad is always watching you Mike!

Family members made all these goodies.

Thank you Stefanie & Mike. We had a wonderful time on your day!
Enjoy the slideshow!
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Amanda and Tony had a wedding date set for this coming March but they both quickly realized they wanted to have a very different kind of wedding. They decided that October was the best month and I feel pretty special since they planned it around all the other wedding dates I was booked for in October. We were supposed to do their engagement shoot this fall, haha, wedding instead! So they dragged me kicking and screaming down to Jamaica. How dare they. psh. We had a fantastic time. I totally felt more like a friend who was down there to hang out than to do a job. Amanda and Tony were very hospitable and took very good care of us while we were there.
It had rained every afternoon leading up to their wedding and we were all just keeping our fingers crossed that we would get a gorgeous sunset ceremony. You’ll see below that it looked just ok…… 🙂 Shall we take a look?
Amanda getting done up.

Gorgeous start of the day. 
Tony cleans up real nice.

Ready to head down the aisle
I loved their rings. Very unique.
Amanda, ready.
Terrible afternoon for a wedding. Why do people go to Jamaica….. haha! 
Heading down the aisle.

Yay! Married.
Its official.

The select group of friends who joined for the wedding.
Love this.
Naughty and Nice.

Very sweet.

All kidding and sarcasm aside, it was a glorious evening.

The Bridal Party.

Love this.
The next morning these two braved major hangovers and little to no sleep to meet me for a sunrise shoot.
Our dog friend joined us.

One of my favorites.
Then it was time to get a little wet. I think they had too much fun splashing me.

Probably the largest star fish I’ve ever seen.

A few details and some more scenery.

Thank you so much for bringing me with you. Seriously THANK YOU!! It was so much fun, a much-needed little getaway during a busy season and it was great to get to know you better and call you both friends.
Enjoy your slideshow.
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Who says January has no color? 🙂 I can find the color, muahahahahaha.
Ok, with that out of the way…… I had a wonderful time with Hilde and Brian on their engagement shoot. Their pups came along for the shoot, I think they might have been a little excited?

We tried to expend some energy with a little run.

Hilde made up some adorable save the date signs, but someone was getting a little camera-shy……

It was nice that there was still a bit of snow on the ground.
oh this field….it was magic.

I love how Hilde’s shirt just made everything pop.
Great to see you guys! I’ll see you in June!
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Welcome to the world Nathan Thomas Buckley! It was so nice to meet you. 🙂
Pete and Angie welcomed this little man into the family on December 20th, just in time to be home for Christmas! I got to have a little visit when he was a day old in the hospital still.

After the new year we did his newborn shoot. He looks so much like his big brother Ben did!

Proud Daddy.
Family photos!

Sweet little peanut
Wild crazy monkey
Ben’s going to be a heartthrob.
His favorite thing to do, surprise you from behind the curtains. BOOO!
Dad plotting a little attack
Monster under the bed! Watch out Ben!
Big and little. Brothers.

Long little feet.
Showing personality already.
As always you guys! Congrats, Nate fits in perfectly.
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