I’m slowly making my way back after having my own baby this fall and wanted to offer a Mother’s Day Special! Mom’s love to show off their children and families and I don’t know a better way to do that than a photo session. Maybe it’s a first time mom or a mom that hasn’t had family pictures in a long time, either way a special session to celebrate family and mom is always the best gift. My Mother’s Day special is a standard 2 hour lifestyle photo session with me and a 5×5 art book with 20 images. I very rarely do discounts or specials so this is a pretty big deal! The art book that I’m including normally goes for 325.00. This Mother’s Day special is 400.00!
This special can be purchased as a gift certificate up through Mother’s Day. Sessions must be scheduled before September. If you’ve already had a session with me in 2016 and would like to take advantage of the art book, get in touch and I’ll extend a special offer to you as well. Lets celebrate Mother’s Day in a big way this year.
Contact me for more information.
Here is my daughter Lena enjoying a few of our art books!
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This post is a compilation of visits with the Sadri’s, from belly to baby over the span of a few months this past fall. I photographed Emily and Navid’s wedding back in 2011 and since then we have become great friends. I was at Laila’s birth, they came to my wedding and it continues. I was supposed to be at Kayvan’s birth too but since they are up in NYC now the timing just didn’t work in my favor to be there, so sad! But I made it up in the first week to visit and capture his newborn portraits.
This might also be one of the sweetest slideshows ever!
Baby Kayvan from JoyMoody on Vimeo.
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I’ve documented all of Angie’s pregnancies, new babies an all the family stuff in between. Needless to say she is also a great friend of mine. On this third belly shoot we decided to do something a little different and went outside to fields of Valley Forge Park. It was a great decision. We had some solid time to do the belly shoot and Pete met us a little later with the boys to continue with a little family session. Seems appropriate to post this today as baby #3 could arrive tonight! So if anything this will give Angie something to look at while at the hospital! Enjoy!
Angie Belly #3 from JoyMoody on Vimeo.
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Angie is due with number two! We got together for her second belly shoot a few weeks ago. (I’m still waiting on the film….but thought this would be fun to post before the baby anyway.) Angie is due on or near Christmas! Pretty awesome gift. 🙂 Want to go down memory lane? Here is the first belly shoot!
So let me explain….. 🙂 Ben’s newest thing is getting into the pet food cabinet. He takes out all the food containers and then climbs in. A little shuffling and some giggles later he emerges from the box. I just love the little hands closing himself in.

Sammy, well just because.

A little walk outside on a nice fall day.

Slow down!

I love the knowing exchange of looks here…..

Taking tabs for naps!
Film belly pics will arrive soon, but here is a slideshow in the mean time.
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Its winter and things slow down a bit in the winter for photographers, hence my lack of posts recently. Don’t get me wrong I am still very busy, just not posting to the blog. Winter and spring tend to be my “belly season”. I can’t really explain why winter is the busiest time for me and maternity shoots, it just is and its been this way for a few years now. I haven’t been posting too many belly shoots on the blog, mainly because its a pretty personal shoot and more artistic which also means a little too personal for showing everyone out there. Everything shown online or on the blog is always cleared with each person, I am always excited to show my work but its important that my clients be comfortable with what I show as well.
Anyway, I am rambling a bit maybe from my lack of blogging.
We did Angie’s belly shoot about a month ago. They are expecting a baby boy at the beginning of March, so really any time now.

I loved the shadows from the blinds in their living room. Some of my favorite shots were with this light.
Pete is big into comics, so this is our superhero pose. 
Angie is so adorable and most certainly all belly. 
One proud papa to be and the “bean” is actually cuddling up on dads side in this one.
Family in silhouette.
Generally I only shoot film for the bellies. The images below are a bonus “treat”.
This was a fun outtake.
Angie and Pete had some fun snow pics done last year around this time and so we thought it would be fun get out and play a bit this year too.
She is such a cutie.
You can barely tell she’s pregnant here….


Thanks Angie & Pete! I had a blast and can’t wait to meet the bean soon.
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