Little Charlie welcomes baby brother Nicolas. Moodybaby and Belly Sessions
Rachel and Trevor were expecting a new arrival so it was time for another belly and baby shoot! We did it for Charlie and so now it was baby brothers turn. If you want to stroll down memory lane here is Charlie’s baby session and his one year session. Its been wonderful watching this little guy known as “Tiny” grow!
Charlie at almost two!
I captured a little of this guy on real film with my traditional belly portrait way of things.
This has become our traditional shot for these guys. We did it when Charlie was in the belly and again during his baby session. Its been awesome to see the progress they have made on the kitchen with these in particular too.
Expecting little brother to fill these shoes soon!
Such a big boy, following his shadow.
Right before he bit the dust. Sorry Charlie. (he was fine.)
Picking the last of the tomatoes for the season.
So fast forward two weeks…… Rachel had baby Nicolas 5 days after our belly session! I then retuned when Nicolas was one week old for the baby shoot.
Charlie admiring his new baby brother.
One week on the job and he is already a great brother.
Sweet sweet little guy!
of course you can’t not also pay attention to this little man. 🙂 I love these next few with the blinds.
Trying to get Charlie to hold his brother alone, but he was a bit overwhelmed. He is using his hand signals for “all done”. Too cute.
The boys. (One mischievous one…….)
Baby Nicolas has been know as “Bun” Charlie was known as “Tiny”. I love the matching tops.
So sweet.
Here is this years shot.This was Charlie’s baby shot.
Enjoy a combined belly and baby slideshow below!
Congratulations you guys! Its always great to see you.