Merry Moody Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone out there! I hope you are enjoying the season.
We have a new member in the Moody family this year, my nephew Maxwell! Its his first Christmas. I think he is pretty adorable.
Our first “real” moody baby, moody santa baby.
My mom is finally and Grandma, or Grandy I should say. She couldn’t be happier.
Geoff, Gina, Maxwell and Skip. Make a pretty cute family.
I’m a pretty proud Auntie.
Just a few more of Maxwell in his holiday outfit. 🙂 Love this kid.
Maxwell is going to be tall like daddy. He was only three months old here and in the 95th percentile for height. This kid is all arms and legs.
Merry Christmas from the Moody’s!
And Santa Moodybaby!
I put together a little Christmas slideshow, because well why not? 🙂
Happy Holidays everyone enjoy your time with your family and friends.