I had so much fun with Michelle and Jace. We took pictures around their neighborhood and at their apartment, starting at Standard Tap where they had their first date. We didn’t time things exactly right and the Tap wasn’t open yet so we went over to Johnny Brenda’s for a drink and some photos there since it’s another favorite spot. Plus a cold one on warm day wasn’t a terrible idea. 🙂

After a little tour through the neighborhood we went back to their place to take advantage of the roof deck and to make a little lunch.
Bruce their black lab joined in as well.

Their space is amazing, just wait!!

Fresh Pasta is so so good. Jace is an excellent cook and Michelle is a happy assistant. 🙂
Ugh this space! Such an awesome apartment.
There were a few dirty tricks played. All fun and games right?
Couldn’t resist a little bling in the pasta.
Bruce enjoyed some pasta as well. 
Then things got a little dirty! haha! Flour fight!
Bruce got in on that action too.
So much fun you guys! I can’t wait for October.
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Pete met up with this fun bunch to do a family style engagement shoot in the city. Gretchen and Sean have been together for a long time and married since their first daughter was born, but they never had the wedding, the celebration, the party. At the end of this month they will be having their ceremony at Congress Hall in Cape May. It will be a family event and long awaited party and celebration to remember for sure! Congratulations you guys, the shoot looked like so much fun.

Sibling love

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Susan and Jeff had a day full of love, laughter and celebration.
I photographed her sister Katie’s wedding five years ago, crazy! I ran my first 5k with Katie and Susan in the fall of 2011 too. I’ve kept up with this family for a long time and I was so excited when Susan and Jeff got engaged and contacted me. It was such a pleasure to document another wedding for this family, they are so friendly and inviting. Jeff is a wonderful addition as well!
What a gorgeous day! I’ll let these ladies start if all off right!

The professionals that helped make all of this come together:
Venue: The Barn on Bridge
Florist: Lauren Wells
Bakery: Masters Baker
Caterer: Robert Ryan
Make-up: Michaela Parlett
Hair: Mandi Alexander
DJ: Eric Bender
Video: TLC Four Weddings, more on this in sec.
Second Photographer: Pete Malone, Love working with you as always Pete!!
A few of Susan’s Details first.

Susan gave her parents each a very sweet handkerchief and had a photo of her pop-pop on her bouquet, they lost him recently so it was a beautiful way to include him on a special day.

Susan’s gift to Jeff.

I love the pointing of the finger to dad seeing Susan for the first time, don’t you cry!!! So sweet.

Simply gorgeous.
We did portraits before the ceremony, this is Jeff and Susan’s first look. 

West Chester Universities campus proved a beautiful place for pictures.
haha, I have to include this because a lot of times we give a little helping hand to our couples to show them what we want them to do. I especially find it funny here as Pete plays the role of the bride. 🙂
And the result with the real bride. 🙂

Mighty fine looking couple!!

One very excited bridal party!

Coming up on the TLC crew, they are hiding one of the brides.
Susan applied to be on the show Four Weddings on a suggestion from her venue. She waited until the last minute possible to send in her application because she had this feeling that she might be chosen for the show and she was right!
The film crew was really nice and not intrusive at all to the flow of the day and were very friendly.
Susan’s episode will air on August 29th on TLC. Make sure to watch for it!! You know who I’m rooting for!! Go Susan!!
Susan’s grandma seeing her for the first time. I love these so much.

Being interviewed by TLC!
I loved that they had a special instagram hashtag just for their wedding.

Getting ready to head down the aisle.
cutest bunch of flower girls and ring barer.
Here comes the bride.
Susan has the most infectious smile. 

The kiddos did so good during the ceremony.
Susan and Jeff did a special foot washing during the ceremony. It was a very symbolic gesture.
Her brother sang during the foot washing part of the ceremony and I secretly recorded it so that I could use it for the slideshow, there is a link at the bottom of this post.

The cheers and celebrations at this moment were unlike anything I have ever experienced. The church was full and the cheers of joy and love at this very moment gave you shivers with the vibrations that filled the church.

Quite possibly my favorite of the day!
Some details

The cake was elegant and beautiful.

Susan’s niece Lucy was having her own conversation during speeches.
Awe and her sister Lucy had a little breakdown but I found this image to be so sweet and so sad at the same time. 
Interviewing with the other brides from Four Weddings.

Smashy smashy!!
I love that Pete got the spray of cake as Susan shoved it into Jeff’s face. 🙂

Katie, Delcan, Emeline and Lucy. You guys have come so far since I shot your wedding long ago! Such and adorable family you now have.
The happiest little girls.

We snuck out for a few more pictures..

This group certainly knows how to party!!!

Sneaking in another bling shot on the Phillies cake…
Susan with the other brides for TLC’s Four Weddings.
And one of me and my brides, one past, one current, both sisters and beautiful. Thank you for trusting me to document important moments in your life.
Susan and Jeff it was a pleasure. I wish you a happy marriage!
Don’t forget to watch the slideshow!!
Susan & Jeff’s Wedding from JoyMoody on Vimeo.
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What a sweet little Anna! She was excited to enter this world, if I remember correctly mom delivered her within 16 minutes of arriving at the hospital.
I was very excited to meet her. I did a session with these guys when Emily turned one, it’s always great to see families grow.

Dad’s ring for size.

Big sister Emily is now 3. She was a little shy at first…..
But she warmed up.

Little sassy sass. 🙂
Both sets of grandparents were there, very excited to welcome Anna to the family.
You guys look great!
Emily was a very good big sister, especially when bribed with chocolate or pretzels. 🙂

Mom getting some cuddle time.
Love the little details.
Was great to see you guys! Congratulations.
Be sure to watch the slideshow.
Baby Anna from JoyMoody on Vimeo.
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