Monthly Archives: July 2013
Marlo, where to begin? She is such a vibrant little girl! One of those babies who is also an old soul, you can totally picture what she is going to be like and look like when she is an old lady. Her parents, Heather and Tedford are dear friends of mine and Marlo is the most fabulous mixture of each of them. I’ve been waiting to do this shoot forever, it was my gift to Heather for her baby shower. Now they are expecting baby number two, a boy! Oh my my my, two Heatherfords running around, watch out world!
You see what I mean about that old soul? Yet all baby.

Chilling with her pals from Yo Gabba Gabba. 
Think her parents photographer her much? Nah, haha! Totally a ham for the camera. 

In Heather’s old baby Dress. Like mother like daughter. All “tude”.
And adorable “tude”.

Love it.
To beat the heat in Philly on a hot summers day, Marlo’s favorite past time is to cool off in the fridge. 

hambone much?
The water table has become her personal water seat.
Ah yea, thats better. 
Drama queen?
Can’t forget the browns. Anthony and Mandy.

Yay! So fabulous to see you guys.
Like you haven’t seen enough already? Check out the slideshow!!
Baby Marlo from JoyMoody on Vimeo.
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Andrew and Tori Live in Bermuda and this was my first time meeting them. We got to know each other through email and phone, so it was a great pleasure to meet them in person. They make an adorable couple and we had such a great time with them.
Venue: Knowlton Mansion
Florist: Flowers by Elizabeth
Make-up & Hair: Samantha Klein & Erin Cinalli
Band: EBE Rio
Videographer: EBE Rio
Second Photographer: Linette Kielinski Wonderful friend and exceptional photographer. Its always great to work with you Linette!
Assistant: Sasha Walbridge, I am so excited Sasha is interested in learning from me! She did fabulous.
We started the day off capturing some of them getting ready.

Andrew’s wedding gift to Tori, a pair of fabulous shoes.

The flowers looked and smelled amazing.

Andrew is a classic romantic. He left Tori a special note.

We started off pictures at the Sheraton Society Hill and down to Penn’s landing.
You could just see and feel their love for each other throughout the day.

Love these.

I took them to a secret spot for another set of photos.

Nothing like a shiny new Benz, a beautiful couple and industrial Philadelphia.
One adorable little flower girl!
some little moments before the signing of the ketubah.

Getting ready for the walk down the aisle.
Something I just love about this.

Yay! Congrats!

The party was pretty fantastic.

Congratulations you guys! Thank you so much for having us to capture your day!
Tori & Andrew from JoyMoody on Vimeo.
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We had a gorgeous day with Meg & Mike in Cape May! The weather was perfect, timing went off without a hitch and fun was had by all. You can’t get more perfect than that.
Venue: Congress Hall
Wedding Planner & Stationary Details: Proud to Plan, Erin and her team always do an amazing job.
Florist: The Manic Botanic
Make-up: Cheekadee
Hair: Karen Capcino
Band: 5th Ave CTO
Videographer: Blossom Productions
Second Photographer: Pete Malone, Its always a pleasure Pete!
Starting off with a few of Meg’s amazing details.

Pete spent some time with the guys and I love this shot he got.

The anticipated first look! 

I love the color that Congress Hall has throughout. 

Meg looked amazing!

One of my favorites.

Lounging bridal party

The ceremony site was beautiful.
This little guy came down the aisle and then wanted to just hang out for a while.

Congratulations you two!
The details for this wedding were amazing. So beautiful and colorful.

Some pretty awesome speeches.
A proud papa right there.

The candy bar was delicious.

Thriller was her song and she totally owned it. It was awesome!
Can’t forget an awesome band!
All of the cousins on Meg’s side. Umm big family?

We had such a great time with you two! Thank you so much for having us out on your day.
Don’t forget to watch the slideshow below.
Meg & Mike from JoyMoody on Vimeo.
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Baby Donovan was full of personality and smiles, love that double chin and drool goodness.

We started with some snacks.
Had some fun on mom and dads bed.

I love these next two.

We got a little time in at the park before it started raining.

Pretty adorable family! Thank you for having me out!
Enjoy the slideshow below.
Baby Donovan from JoyMoody on Vimeo.
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The love and connection at this wedding could be seen in the air. The day started off rainy and windy, this odd little pocket surrounding the farm, we had beautiful skies on our drive up from Philly until we reached the Farm. I like to think we brought the blue skies with us because the skies cleared and it was a gorgeous day, colder than we all could have requested but gorgeous none the less. The area up in the Catskills is beautiful and the grounds of the Stone Tavern Farm are breathtaking. It suited Katinka and Nelson perfectly.
Venue: Stone Tavern Farm
Florist: Sprout Home
Caterer: Mary’s Cookin Again
Make-up/Hair: Jessa Blades/Esther Ahn
Band/DJ: KRoss (DJ) Ted Gottsegen + Band
Videographer: 1st Floor Films
Second Photographer: Alexa Nahas, Alexa has been working with me for a while now and it was a pleasure to have her out. Some of the images below are hers.
Slideshow music choreography: Nelson! Be sure you watch the slideshow. The music that Nelson put together is amazing, everyone proceeded down the aisle at the wedding to it.
Katinka’s dress was simple and elegant. It was so perfect for her.

Some of the getting ready environment.

Katinka’s dress had these wonderful sash’s. They added these amazing pops of color that flowed beautifully.

Nelson, so handsome.
Ready to see Nelson!
Such a sweet first look.

Their ceremony gave me chills. It was so beautiful. Their love of each filled the room. 

Beautiful Ceremony.

Love this gang of bridal party members.

There were a lot of great moments captured.

This reminds me of a painting!! Beautiful.

We snuck out with Katinka and Nelson for some quick portraits, braving the cold and wind.

My ultimate favorite

You would NEVER guess Katinka was six months pregnant would you? Her dress was amazing.

I love this image of Katinka’s dad.

Katinka’s good friend from Germany made their wedding bands for them. I loved them, so beautiful and meaningful.

It was a great party!

There was a special fireworks show to reveal to Katinka, Nelson and their guests the sex of their baby!
There was supposed to be three fireworks set off to get everyone’s attention and then either a red or blue set of fireworks to reveal boy or girl. It was slightly confusing at first, the colors seemed to be mixed. leaving everyone unsure. Nelson called down to people setting off the fireworks to get confirmation and then announced that they were having a baby girl!!! It was such a an awesome moment for them to share with all of their beloved family and friends.
Friends doing bad gestures for the camera!!! But I love it non the less.
And because on this date last year we were all together , me documenting and Katinka couching Emily and Navid to bring their baby girl Laila into this world. It was a wonderful reunion and a new reason to celebrate with Katinka’s marriage to Nelson and the upcoming birth of their own little girl. I adore all of you so much. I feel so lucky to have clients I care so deeply for. I’ve made many great friendships.
Last but not least the slideshow! A must watch with Nelson’s music to bring back the feeling we all had on their wedding day. Congratulations you two!
Katinka & Nelson from JoyMoody on Vimeo.
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Julie and Josh had a gorgeous day! It was a tad windy but honestly you couldn’t have asked for more! Heather spent a good bit of time hanging out with Josh and his family before the ceremony and I was with Julie. The word of the day was “sexy”! As saying it helped Julie and everyone to always have a smile on their face.
Venue: Normandy Farm
Florist: Whimsical Welcomes
Wedding Planner: Melissa Spooner from Normandy Farm
Band: Superstar Entertainment
Second Photographer: Heather Fowler, great to see you and work with you again!
Wedding Painter: Joan Zylkin
Josh was able to play some tunes before the ceremony

Julie’s dress was beautiful. 
A few details.

Dad pinning on the something blue.
Julie was beautiful. Her flowers were gorgeous as well. 

Having a little fun.

Ceremony time.
Like I said, it was a tad windy.

Yay!Congratulations you guys!
A little outtake that was too funny not to show!!

One of my favorites. Such awesome light at this time in the day!
Time for the reception and some details.

I love all of these reactions to the speeches Julie and Josh’s brothers gave.

Party time!

I snuck out with them for a few minutes to grab some night shots.

This is the first time I’ve ever seen an event painter! It was so awesome to watch this come together! Such a great gift to take away from the wedding.
Congratulations Julie & Josh. We had such a great time with you on your wedding day, thank you so much for having us.
Enjoy your slideshow!
Julie & Josh from JoyMoody on Vimeo.
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Gretchen and Sean were married…. again! Pete was on hand to capture the day for them, and a beautiful day it was. They finally got to have the wedding they had always dreamed of and I am so excited we were there to capture it for them.
Venue: Congress Hall
Hair/make-up: Styles Down the Aisle
Florist: Manic Botanic
DJ: Synergetic Sound and Lighting
Video: First Floor Films
Wedding planner & Stationary: Proud to Plan

I absolutely love this image with all my heart.
Congress Hall has fantastic colors and textures throughout.

Sean’s suit was fantastic. I love all the textures, patterns and colors. It’s a fantastic pairing. Not to mention Gretchen on his arm to finish the look.

Some pretty awesome kiddos.They loved Pete!

I love these family photos.

They took a carriage ride through town to the church.
I love how the ceremony was a family affair. They all came down the aisle together.
a few details.

Gretchen & Sean had a special first dance planned. I love the purple sparkly dress!

Some Lounge time to end a wonderful evening!
Congratulations you two! Don’t forget to watch the slideshow below!
Gretchen & Shawn from JoyMoody on Vimeo.
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