I adore this family!  Zayd has grown up soooo much since our last shoot when he was six months old! My how time fly’s.  Michelle warned me that he was a ball of energy and constantly on the move which made it hard to get photos of him.  I brushed that off a little thinking, oh I can get a handle on this kiddo, just you see.  Well full disclosure this kid is all over the place and I see why I was warned in the beginning.  He gave me a run for the money that’s for sure.  Despite him not having any of the “nice family portrait” time, he had too much to do to sit still for a minute, I love the natural family photos we got. I always prefer those anyway. 🙂 Zayd was prepped for a few weeks before my arrival so when I was there, he was not shy at all in fact it was “Joy, come look at this…Joy come in here…Joy look what I can do….Joy…Joy…Joy”  🙂  We are best buds now.  His mom said since I left he is still talking about the next time I come over and what we can do for pictures and what he can show me. He is such a sweet heart and so mature for a three year old, its amazing.

We did all his favorite things. He loves macaroons and watching this kid eat them makes me want one every time!

They are originally from Australia so Michelle had traditional Lamington cakes as well.  Lamingtons are AMAZING.  I was sent home with a container of them and WOW, they are now my favorite.

undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedThis one reminds me of one we got when he was six months old, below.undefinedA tad more cuddly at six months. 🙂 undefined undefinedundefinedShort break for more macaroons and lamingtons.undefinedDance party on the bed! Love Michelle’s belly pics I did in the background. undefinedundefinedCheese ball!undefinedThis is the reaction to his “auntie Barbara” coming to see us. I don’t think he likes her much, do you? 🙂undefinedI ADORE this.undefinedOOOH, he was offering a spoonful of gelato to auntie Barbara and then he took it back all for himself!undefinedAnd I’ll end with me and Zayd as taken by his mum Michelle.  🙂undefined

Be sure to watch the slideshow for many many more photos.