Hutch turns 5! Main Line Children Photographer
Five years old! Man how the time flies! Every year around Hutch’s birthday we do a shoot. This year we picked him up from his last day at Camp to go swimming and then a little birthday party. Hutch lives up to five for sure. Gave me a run for my money. The kid cracks me up.
Also you’ll notice a new logo. Beginning to roll out something new! Stay tuned!
One last run through the playground after camp before heading home. He kept trying to lose me. Oh man. The Hutch chase is on!
Not thrilled about having to leave the playground.
The escape artist.
They have a new permanent home, beautiful home!
There’s that five-year old! Grass attack!!
We wanted to make sure to document his favorite summer past time. Swimming in the neighbors pool.
Water gun attack! Nice aim!
Back home to get dressed for the party. Haha, look at that face, think he was excited to get dressed?
Love the tip toes while admiring his balloons.
The cake is unveiled!
batman cake this year.
He even got a batman tattoo! Pretty special!
A little lovin from mom mom and pop pop.
Every year Hutch and pop pop have an athletic activity, which has mainly been baseball in the past. This year Hutch is trying out two wheels.
The neighbor kids and Hutch had it out for me!
Pizza time!Three buds.
HAHA! Caption this. Too funny.
Taking a nice picture with a five-year old proves difficult. There is a nice one but honestly I prefer this one. Totally what was really happening.Cake time!
I don’t think the kids had any argument about sitting down for cake.
That’s my moodybaby.
Happy Birthday Hutch!
There is more in the slideshow! Great to see everyone again this year!