Baby Samantha, Moodybaby Session
I had such a fun time with baby Samantha last week! She is so cute and wow such a good sport with all the changing we put her through. Samantha is 6.5 months old, I love love this age. We are going to do a family session with mom and dad in the fall so this session is a solo session for Samantha.
Love those eyes!
Her favorite teething toy
Just chilling in the living room.
Showing off a little belly.
Love this one on the changing table.
Mom wanted some in her christening outfit before it didn’t fit anymore. It was good timing because it is getting a tad tight.
Outside to enjoy the lovely weather.
A little bubble bath in the sink.
It was funny, we put the water on to see what she would do and she kept sticking her head under the water. I think she enjoyed it.
She kept trying to grab the water. SO cute.
Lovely Miss Samantha you are adorable. I look forward to seeing you again!
Check out the slideshow below for more images.