Baby Roman and little Maya, Philadelphia Moodybabies
It is my pleasure to introduce Roman to everyone!
Most of you will recognize this back drop from his sister Maya’s baby photos. Roman is making his debut appearance on the blog today! He is so much like Maya, but all boy all the way. They both were blessed with their dads amazing blue eyes and their moms good looks.
He was ready and waiting in his moodybaby onsie!
check out how big Maya is getting!
These kids are so good and so photogenic its crazy!
Roman front and center.
Gorgeous pretty baby Maya, not so much the baby any more!
I love everything about this. (you can see me in the corner of the mirror!)
Now that’s a family photo if I ever saw one!
George and Katria couldn’t be more thrilled with their baby boy.
Just to go back a bit, the feet thing is a bit of a tradition with this family. I love that we do similar things every year. Look at that Maya and how she has grown!
Roman is already so distinguished don’t you think?
Maya is such a good big sister.
Ooh I am just in love with this look! hehe it makes me smile every time!
Maya was soooo good and cooperative, seriously even in her crazy hyper fits jumping on the bed she listened and calmed down when we needed her to and she just followed directions so wonderfully. She truly earned this whirly pop!
Its a good thing Roman had no idea what he was missing.
Fun times twirling with dad!
Such a cutie!
Our traditional stroll to head house square.
Just like every year, we end on the same street. But this year Maya is not in the stroller, Roman is!
Oh this family has a sweet spot in my heart. I love them dearly. Here is a little note I got from them the day after this session, it pretty much sums it all up:
“Joy: Thank you, Thank you for yesterday!! As always, it’s such a pleasure to have you over! Last night Maya & I were looking at photos on the camera & when we came to the one where you are giving her the lollipop (with the BIGGEST look of excitement on her face!!) she said “I love her, Mama.” Thought you’d appreciate that!! We also shared the lollipop: Maya was licking one side & I the other & our noses would touch, which would tickle & we’d laugh hysterically! When Roman is old enough to have candy, we’ll need to get that shot of them!”